TGE Trip 2019 – Day 1 8/27

Week Two TGE Team has arrived in Kenya! After some flight mishaps, the team finally made it back to Morning Star at around 1 AM on 8/27 to find a delicious late night meal prepared by chef Benjamin and then headed off to bed to rest up for the following days fun! We rejoined as a group in the morning and began planning our day and week. This week we will be visiting five orphanages in addition to Morning Star (our home base for the week) as well as visiting a Masai Soccer Program that has been a TGE project. We are all very excited for what the week holds and for our newest members to meet the wonderful kids and people here in Kenya!
We spent the first part of the day playing and doing a variety of activities with the kids. Because the “Where’s Waldo?” books were such a hit last year, we took that inspiration and let the kids make their own “Where’s Waldo?” shirts! We also helped the kids design and make their own pom-poms for beanies that Susan, Terri and Jordan knit for them earlier this year. They also learned a new game today when Harrison taught them four square. Now that they know how to play we expect some competitive play this week!
Between playtime and our group BBQ later that night we took on some projects around Morning Star ranging from small to large. We brought in an electrician to check some wiring, fixing the washing machine and even cleaning out a donations room to help clear some much needed space. Finally, we joined together in the courtyard to BBQ with the kids and Morning Star staff and enjoyed a delicious Kenyan meal, listened to some music (with beautiful singing accompaniment from the kids), and sat around the bonfire enjoying each others company before retiring for the evening.