Euro Tour – Ibiza, Spain and Rome, Italy – Day 5

July 29, 2015

Luckily this morning we didn’t have to wake anyone up to check out as they had originally told us and we left on time at 6:45 am.

We got to the airport and checked our bags in for our flight and headed in to wait. Our flight ended up being delayed for 2 hours and we spent 4 miserable hours in the airport. They had us try to board twice, but the first time they took us to the plane and wouldn’t let us off the tram with zero explanation. This was basically a nightmare. The flight attendant was so unhelpful and wouldn’t give us any information about the flight at all except for that she wasn’t sorry and she didn’t care.

After some more waiting we finally boarded the same plane that they initially tried to board us on. Instead of having the three hour layover we were supposed to have we got in an hour before our next flight was supposed to take off. This would have been fine if it weren’t for the fact that we needed to collect our baggage from baggage claim, change terminals (a five minute drive), do a visa check and check in our bags with Ryanair, go through security and get to the gate. We ended up running through the terminal to the gate and got there in the nick of time to catch our flight. Thank god.

The flight landed in Rome, we collected our baggage and then waited another half hour for a shuttle bus to come. The shuttle took 40 minutes and was sooooo hot and grimy. Not the best day of travel for us…. Finally we got to our hostel, The Yellow.

Turns out this was like the best hostel everrrrrrrrrr. So sick. In the reception the walls had chalkboards that told you things you could do in Rome and downstairs there was a pub. We ended up with a 6 person dorm for the night. My only complaint is that you had to go down to the lobby and up another set of stairs to the third floor because our showers were out… We went to our room, but only one guy was there. We decided to go get some food across the street at a cute little Italian restaurant. Our first Italian food!

After eating we decided to go get some gelato at a place our waiter recommended and then go adventure around Rome. The gelato was maybe the best I’ve ever had. We started walking from there with no real direction in mind and ended up seeing SO MANY sites. Everything in Rome was waaaay closer together than we had expected. We ended up at the Imperial Forum, the Altar of the Fatherland, and even at the Colosseum! WHAT! We saw a ton of ruins and monuments, but decided to wait until tomorrow to go to the Colosseum for real.

We decided to head back over to the hostel to sign up for Rollin Bar – a party bus night tour of Rome that our waiter had also recommended that our hostel puts on. We got signed up and then went upstairs to meet the rest of our roommates. Two ended up being from London and the other two were brothers from Chile. I didn’t know it then, but these roommates would end up being some of my favorite people ever. Of course it happened that I was the only girl in the room too, in the first shared hostel room we had hahahah.

We got them signed up for the party bus too and we headed nextdoor for some quick pizza served up by the funniest pizza guy ever haha.

After pizza we went to The Yellow Bar and grabbed a couple beers and waited for the bus to come. Finally we got on the bus. The bus made two stops in Rome where we could see views and monuments. A couple guys ended up scaling a monument, one of our roommates ended up buying bottles from a bar and we picked up some champagne, and we taught our new friends how to shotgun haha. All in all it was a super fun night! We got back to the hostel at around midnight and I turned in for the night because I was so tired from the early morning, horrible flights, and long walk through Rome. I knew I would need to rest up for all the sightseeing tomorrow!!

xoxo J