TGE Trip 2018 – Day 5 8/24 – Part 2

TGE Trip 2018 – Day 5 8/24 – Part 2

Tonight, August 24th, we had our final evening with the children and staff here at Morning Star. Most of the group will be departing early Saturday morning and the rest will be leaving in the evening. After our return from the academic incentive trip, we set up some rotating workshops in the courtyard to make the most of the last bit of time we had and pack in as many activities as we could. We set up stations to make the coffee filter butterflies, finger print art, and Jenga. Every time we do a new activity I am so impressed with the intelligence and creativity that these kids have and I can’t wait to see what they create. 

After workshops we gathered for devotions and for our closing ceremony for the week. Have I mentioned how beautiful their singing voices are yet? Because they are beautiful! It is so enjoyable to listen to them sing and to clap along. During one song, the group began jumping while clapping in-time and let’s just say that multi-tasking was a little hard! It is so nice to hear the kids’ thoughts and prayers and to hear that they have enjoyed having us here as much as we have enjoyed being here. Next, it was time for the TGE time to share with them our thanks for the week. We even got to share some letters from past TGE visitors who couldn’t make the trip this year – Maddie and Blair Hagen. As a token of appreciation Morning Star gifted each of us a Masaai blanket which we will each cherish after we leave here. 

For dinner, we had a traditional (and delicious) Kenyan meal. Then the fun started up again when the Polaroid camera came out! A mob came in waves as the kids finished eating and wanted their picture taken. We made it through 70 sheets of film in 15 minutes! It was funny to see the kids pose for the photos as most of them opted for solo pictures with stone faces and no smile! 

We will be returning home with full but heavy hearts as it is so difficult to leave these smiling faces!  Hoping all have safe and timely flights home.  Until next year……..we will have so many incredible memories of pure joy and gratitude.

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