Valencia, Spain – Day 10

July 4, 2015 The Fourth of July! It was weird not being in the US to celebrate it!! I hope everyone had a fun time celebrating Independence Day with friends and family 🙂 Today we got a provided breakfast on the ninth floor of the 

Valencia, Spain – Day 9

July 3, 2015 Today we woke up, packed up a few last minute things and headed downstairs and grabbed some coffee. Then we jumped in a couple of taxis and drove to the University of Barcelona to meet up with the rest of the CEA 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 8

July 2, 2015 Getting two hours of sleep isn’t something I enjoy I’ve decided haha. In Spanish today we had a quiz that I think went well. We also learned some more vocabulary. It is crazy how much there is to learn!!! For Contemporary Spain 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 7

July 1, 2015 Let me tell you, it was hard to wake up this morning after going to bed so late and only getting two hours of sleep… Class and lunch proceeded as usual. In Contemporary Spain, we watched a documentary about the Stolen Babies 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 6

June 30, 2015 Tuesday went basically the same as Monday, pretty standard when you have a set class schedule! We got lunch downstairs in Organics again. They have really yummy, healthy salads. After class ended today Alison, Sarah, and I used a free trial at 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 5

June 29, 2015 Sorry, it has been a few days since I’ve been able to get a post up, I’ve been so busy! I have barely even slept since I got here, it’s absolutely insane. So much to do, so much to see and experience 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 4

June 28, 2015 Today, we finally got to sleep in which was so nice! We really needed to catch up on some sleep to adjust to Spain a little bit better and it helped immensely. Since no one was rushing out of bed, Alison and 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 3

June 27, 2015 Today we had another CEA event so we headed out to meet up with the rest of the group for a quick three hour bus tour of Barcelona. I’m really glad we were on a bus because by 10:30 in the morning 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 2

June 26, 2015 Today we woke up and walked over to orientation. We were a little early so we stopped into good old Starbucks. Never too far away haha. But also considerably more expensive than any of the local cafes. Also, you never know what 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 1

June 24 – 25, 2015 Hello again! On Wednesday, June 24, at 1:50 PM I left SFO to head to Barcelona, Spain! I am studying abroad in Barcelona for four weeks (although you could hardly call it studying). I will be taking a Spanish language