Barcelona, Spain – Day 20

July 14, 2015 Today I had class and had to give an oral presentation in Spanish on our menu. Our menu was Menu de Queso Extremo (Extreme Cheese Menu) because it was a cheese plate, mac and cheese and cheesecake. (Kara and I thought it 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 19

July 13, 2015 Back to class today… Bummer haha I love my Spanish class though. It’s really fun! Me encanta Profesora Blanca. Plus we have like the best group, it’s all Cal Poly students. I wouldn’t mind going everyday if that was my only class. 

Geneva, Switzerland/Barcelona, Spain – Day 18

July 12, 2015 Today we woke up and had some breakfast and then packed up and cleaned up the apartment. We headed out a little bit early, hoping to go to a nearby chocolate store, but when we got there it was closed 🙁 So 

Geneva, Switzerland – Day 17

July 11, 2015 Today we slept in a little bit for the first time in I don’t know how long after getting a full nights sleep. Say what?! It was AMAZING. The only way it could have been any better is if the neighbors weren’t 

Barcelona, Spain/Geneva, Switzerland – Day 16

July 10, 2015 Today we woke up early and left the apartment at 6:00 AM to head to the train station. We got to the train station at 6:15 and then took a half hour to get to the airport. At the airport we got 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 15

July 9, 2015 Today was midterm day!!! EEK! Luckily they weren’t bad. There was a listening portion of the Spanish exam that was a little tricky and there were a couple I didn’t know in the Contemporary Spain exam, but all-in-all I feel good about 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 14

July 28, 2015 Today we had class and reviewed for tomorrows midterms. Then after class we went to walk around the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. We stopped by the Cathedral, but we couldn’t go inside because they have strict rules governing what you must be 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 13

July 27, 2015 Today I had class again as usual and then after class we took a train out to Sitges, Spain. It was about a 45 minute to an hour long train ride and it only cost 8 euros round trip. Sitges was so, 

Barcelona, Spain – Day 12

July 26, 2015 Today I had some really bad swelling in my legs which really sucked. And I’m starting to get a cold. 🙁 I had class all day today as per usual, but at lunch one of the CEA advisors went to the pharmacy 

Valencia/Barcelona, Spain – Day 11

July 5, 2015 Today we woke up, packed up and headed to get some breakfast upstairs again. Then we checked out of the hotel and got on the bus to return to Barcelona. Another four hour drive and truck stop later and we were back