Photo Books of this Summer’s Travels

Photo Books of this Summer’s Travels

Below you can find the photo books I made of last summers travels studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain and then traveling with my younger brother for two weeks. It was truly a once in a lifetime trip full of fun and adventure. I love to 

Euro Tour – Amsterdam, Holland and HOME – Day 16

August 9, 2015 Today our trip came to an end and we had a 12-hour flight home! We survived! I am so thankful for this entire experience it was absolutely incredible and I will never forget it! I cannot wait to go back!!! xoxo J

Euro Tour – Paris, France and Amsterdam, Holland – Day 13 -15

August 6 – 8, 2015 Today we headed to our last stop on our journey: Amsterdam! By the time we got here it was pretty late after our long train ride and we called it an early night. The next day we got up and 

Euro Tour – Brussels, Belgium and Paris, France – Day 11 and 12

August 4 – 5, 2015 Today we headed to Paris. We got in really late and went to our hostel in checked in. This is by far the weirdest hostel we had stayed in up to this point and the weirdest we would stay in. 

Euro Tour – Venice, Italy and Brussels, Belgium – Day 10

August 3, 2015 Today we left Venice and we didn’t have time to say goodbye to Ash because he was so far away from us 🙁 So H and I went straight to the train station and caught a train back to the mainland and 

Tour – Florence, Italy and Venice, Italy – Day 9

August 2, 2015 Today we left Florence and took a train to Venice with Ash. This turned out to be a VERY interesting day… Nothing really went as planned… Harrison and I had booked a hostel that turned out not to even by on mainland 

Euro Tour – Florence, Italy and Siena, Italy – Day 8

August 1, 2015 Today we woke up and got some disappointing breakfast buffet from downstairs in the hostel and then we headed out to tour Il Duomo. We still had to wait in line for about an hour before we could go inside, then we 

Euro Tour – Rome, Italy and Florence, Italy – Day 7

July 31, 2015 Our morning didn’t exactly go as planned on account of staying out so late and we overslept check out for the second time so far… Luckily one of our roommates decided to travel on to Florence and Venice with us! Yay!! The 

Euro Tour – Rome, Italy – Day 6

July 30, 2015 Today we all woke up and five out of the six of us in our room decided to head out on a sightseeing adventure. We grabbed a quick sandwich from a deli near Termini Station on our way out and headed to 

Euro Tour – Ibiza, Spain and Rome, Italy – Day 5

July 29, 2015 Luckily this morning we didn’t have to wake anyone up to check out as they had originally told us and we left on time at 6:45 am. We got to the airport and checked our bags in for our flight and headed